Posts with the tag “i-am”
Preparing with Hope March 19, 2023
by Tim Taylor on March 13th, 2023
This week's blog will help us as we prepare for the second Sunday in our series, "I AM: What does the Great I AM say about who you are?" This series is so important because for too long we (me included) have believed the lies about who we are more than the TRUTH that God says about us. And I don't want to do that any more. Because when we believe the lies, we're unable to truly be a disciple of... Read More
Preparing with Hope March 12, 2023
by Tim Taylor on March 6th, 2023
Each week that I preach, I intend to start the week off by publishing a blog in which I can share with you the passages that I will be teaching from. It is my hope that others will be able to wrestle with the text and prepare for Sunday with me. And most importantly, I hope you're willing and able to share what you are learning with others. We are starting a new 3-week series this weekend titl... Read More